The first thing I do when I begin thinking about going to a specific National Park is to look at photos that people who have been to the park have taken. Robbie’s Photo Art had this gorgeous photo of a sunset when I was searching for photos of Big Bend National Park:

As I did some more searching, I came across a couple of videos that I’m pretty sure will replace what I look for first when thinking about going to a National Park. That is the virtual drive. There were two virtual drives available for Big Bend National Park:
This drive takes you up into the scenic center of Big Bend National Park, the Chisos Basin, then back down to the main road, before heading east to the Boquillas Canyon area.
This drive begins in the middle of the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive, at the Chimneys trailhead, then heads north, east, and north again, until passing through Persimmon Gap and out the northern park entrance.
I don’t think that the virtual drive will replace the beauty of the photos, but I do think it gives a much better overall feel of the place you are thinking of going, and a more realistic view of the National Park. I would love to see these available for all National Parks and hope to see more National Park virtual drives available for viewing soon.