Get those photos out from your recent visit to Lassen Volcanic National Park (or head out to the park right away) Lassen Volcanic National Park is having a photo contest that is ending quite soon (entry deadline is September 9) to select the image which will grace the 2012 Lassen Volcanic Annual Pass. The rules are pretty straight forward and simple:
1. Photos have to show some aspect of Lassen Volcanic National Park.
2. Photo entries must be submitted no later than September 9, 2011.
3. The winning photographer will receive photo credit along with a $50 gift certificate compliments of the Lassen Association.
4. Photo prints must be no larger than 5 x7 and printed on quality paper.
5. There is a limit of two photos per household.
6. Photos will not be returned. The photo becomes the property of the U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service.
7. Photos should be mailed to the following address:
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Attn: Fee Office
P. O. Box 100
Mineral, CA 96063-0100.
8. Along with each photo submitted, a separate sheet of paper with the photographer’s name, address, phone number, the photo subject and the photo location must be included.