If you happen to fly into or out of the Fresno Yosemite International Airport (or you’re in the area and want to visit to take a look), the airport is currently hosting a display of thirteen Christmas trees with the theme of “celebrating our national parks.” As part of the display, you can go online to the airport’s Facebook Page to vote on the Christmas trees that you like the best. Doing so will enter you into a drawing for a chance to win some carry-on luggage. The trees all have different themes chosen by the person who decorated them. Xmas tree #2 is titled “John Muir trail: 211 Miles of Wow” and it was decorated by Wendy Ainsworth. She included the following message:
“I could just picture all the wild things that I would do wrong if I actually went on the John Muir trail hike on foot. So, I created my alter ego to entertain you with ‘what-if’s’ and ‘nah, that can’t be real’…But seriously, I would really like to see the sights by mule back! Just look at the postcards and do your own day-dreaming.”

The John Muir Trail is on my bucket list. Love this tree!